Development of kernel and hypervisor mechanisms for railway systems at the RETIS Lab – Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna.

Research objectives

The research is part of a larger project funded by RFI, the company that manages the Italian railway infrastructure ( The large RFI project plans to replace all computing platforms, currently used on trains and in railway stations, with modern platforms based on heterogeneous multicore architectures. In order to support the application software on such platforms, specific kernel and hypervisor mechanisms have to be developed able to guarantee safety, real-time, and fault tolerance requirements.

Required competences

Programming in C/C++, Operating Systems, and Computer Architectures.


The PostDoc will work at the RETIS Lab ( of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, in a group including professors, researchers, and PhD students expert in the field, with the collaboration of RFI engineers.

NOTE:RFI is interested in hiring the post doc after the project.

Deadline: January 8, 2019

Amount: 20.000€/year

Id bando: 2286

URL for the application:

Location: TeCIP Institute, Via Moruzzi, 1 – Pisa
