Three faculty members from the RETIS laboratory at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna – Giorgio Buttazzo, Alessandro Biondi, and Daniel Casini – have been included in the prestigious “World Top 2% Scientists” ranking, compiled annually by Stanford University in collaboration with Elsevier-Scopus. This recognition reflects their outstanding contributions in the fields of real-time embedded systems, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity, where they have distinguished themselves through their innovative research. They are also part of the departments of excellence in robotics and artificial intelligence funded by the Italian Ministry of Research.
The Stanford list evaluates 100,000 scientists across 176 disciplines, considering the citations gathered over the past 15 years, and is a credible ranking that identifies scholars who are top-cited in their respective fields, further confirming the global impact of the high-quality research conducted in the RETIS Lab and the TeCIP Institute as well.