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WoSoCer 2019 - Paper published!

by on under publications
1 minute read

Hey There!

First post here just to tell you that our first ever work was accepted and published at WoSoCer 2019! . This work is the result of two years of hard work in designing and developing a Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) in partnership with Rete Ferroviaria Italiana. Nowadays, railway infrastructures are improving, both in terms of technology and safety. Infrastructure operators then really need real-time systems for railway management where high predictability, safety, and security are prime targets.

Here the abstract:

The growing complexity and the need for high safety standards in railways infrastructures are pushing the infrastructure operators toward the adoption of newer solutions able to exploit modern platforms and state-of-the-art software solutions while guaranteeing safety and timing constraints, and maintaining the compliance with the standards. This paper presents the design guidelines of a novel real-time kernel whose development is based on the Italian use case, highlighting its focus on adherence to the standards.

You can find the entire article here

real-time, operating system, certification, railway