SurnameNameThesis TitlePhD DefenceSupervisorManuscript
GalliFilippo-15 October 2024Tommaso Cucinotta
ZiniMatteoAnalysis and Mitigation of Memory Contention in Real-Time Embedded Systems22 July 2024Alessandro Biondi
BrauFabioMethods for Certifiable Robustness of Deep Neural Networks15 March 2024Giorgio Buttazzo
RossoliniGiulioTowards Trustworthy AI: Understanding the Impact of AI Threats and Countermeasures15 March 2024Giorgio Buttazzo
SerraGabrieleMechanisms for Safe and Secure Mixed-Criticality Real-Time Embedded Systems18 October 2023Giorgio Buttazzo
FaraPietroImproving Safety and Security
on Real-Time Safety-Critical Systems
18 October 2023Giorgio Buttazzo
Di LeonardiSandroAddressing Security and Real-Time Constraints in Embedded Software25 July 2023Giorgio Buttazzo
AraGabrieleOS Mechanisms for Energy-Efficient Real-Time and High-Performance Networking Applications16 June 2023Tommaso Cucinotta
DonnarummaCiroSafety-critical systems for railway applications: a real-time systems perspective11 July 2022Giorgio Buttazzo
MascittiAgostinoEnergy-aware Scheduling of Real-Time Tasks on ARM big.LITTLE Architectures16 December 2021Tommaso Cucinotta
BirukDesign Methods for Partially Reconfigurable FPGA-based SoCs and their Applications for Accelerating Deep Neural Networks
19 July 2021Giorgio Buttazzo
RestucciaFrancescoPredictability, Safety, and Security for FPGA System-on-Chip platforms19 July 2021Giorgio Buttazzo
PaganiMarcoEnabling Predictable Hardware Acceleration in Heterogeneous SoC-FPGA Computing Platforms
20 July 2020Giorgio Buttazzo
CasiniDanielAdvancements in Modeling and Analysis of Multi-Processor Real-Time Systems
2 July 2020Giorgio Buttazzo
PazzagliaPaoloPerformance-Driven Design for Control and Scheduling in Real-Time Systems
2 July 2020Marco Di Natale
Bristot De Olivera
DanielAutomata-based Formal Analysis and Verification of the Real-Time Linux Kernel29 June 2020Tommaso CucinottaPDF
BrandbergCarolineModel-Based Design, Analysis, and Synthesis for Embedded System Deployment on Multicore Architectures9 November 2019Marco Di Natale
PannocchiLuigiHandling the Design Complexity of Cyber-Physical Systems30 November 2018Giorgio Buttazzo
BalsiniAlessioTowards real-time operating systems for multicore heterogeneous architectures30 November 2018Tommaso Cucinotta
ParriAndreaResource Reservation and Memory Ordering in the Linux Kernel16 March 2018Mauro Marinoni
RossiEnricoTowards the heterogeneous, real-time reconfigurable embedded system15 March 2018Giorgio Buttazzo
CalvaresiDavideReal-Time Multi-Agent Systems: challenges, model, and performance analysis15 March 2018Giorgio Buttazzo
PerilloDavidModelling and Simulation of Embedded Systems with Formal Languages and Virtual Platforms12 July 2017Marco Di Natale
MaggianiLucaProgettazione di un nodo di calcolo embedded per reti di "smart cameras"12 July 2017Marco Di Natale
MelaniAlessandraSupporting Parallelism in Multicore Real-Time Computing Systems8 March 2017Giorgio Buttazzo
Di FrancoCarmeloLocalization and Energy-aware path planning of mobile autonomous robots8 March 2017Giorgio Buttazzo
BiondiAlessandroAnalysis and Design Optimization of Real-Time Engine Control Software8 March 2017Giorgio Buttazzo
MadeoSimoneVisual Analysis and Search for Embedded Systems13 December 2016Marco Di Natale
CremonaFabioIntegration of Heterogeneous Models for the Simulation and Optimization of Real-Time Cyber-Physical Systems19 July 2016Marco Di Natale
BuonocuntoPasqualeBody sensor networks for real-time limb motion tracking in tele-rehabilitation and tele-monitoring systems11 March 2016Giorgio Buttazzo
SunYouchengReal-Time Schedulability Analysis with Formal Techniques.14 December 2015Giuseppe LipariPDF
MorelliMatteoA system level frame work for the design of complex Cyber-Physical Systems from Synchronous-Reactive Model.19 November 2015Marco Di NatalePDF
PellicciaRiccardoEmbedded Hardware and Software Solutions to enable Effective smart-environments.19 November 2015Marco Di NatalePDF
AzzaràAndreaProgramming Abstractions for the Internet of Things: from Macroprogramming to Virtual Resources19 November 2015Marco Di NatalePDF
LelliJuriMultiprocessor Real-Time Scheduling on General Purpose OS.26 November 2014Tommaso CucinottaPDF
BambaginiMarioEnergy Saving in Real-Time Embedded Systems.26 November 2014Giorgio ButtazzoPDF
BocchinoStefanoTowards the future Internet: a step forward the successfully evolution of WSNs into the IoT16 October 2014Giuseppe LipariPDF
GhibaudiMarcoDesign of constrained Digital Signal Processing Systems.16 October 2014Giuseppe LipariPDF
SalvadoriClaudioSmart Camera Networks: advanced applications for next Generation Sensor Networks29 October 2013Marco Di Natale
MancusoGiulioDesign of Real-Time Control Systems: an Optimal Approach29 October 2013Enrico Bini
AlessandrelliDanieleWireless sensor network abstractions: from the middleware approach to the layered architecture of the Internet of Things29 October 2013Paolo Ancilotti
ProsperiFrancescoEnergy Management in Embedded Systems Under Timing and Resource Contrainsts26 October 2012Giorgio Buttazzo
NastasiChristianChannel Access Protocols for Real-Time Communication in Wireless Networks26 October 2012Paolo Ancilotti
KuchBenjaminAssessment of physical and physiological parameters in an hyperbaric environment26 October 2012Giorgio Buttazzo
CecchettiGabrieleQoS support for Wireless Networks15 November 2012Giuseppe Lipari
AnastasiGaetano FrancescoQuality of Service Management in Service Oriented Architectures.18 November 2011Giuseppe LipariPDF
RomanoAntonioA software architecture for data collection and localization in Wireless Sensor Networks.24 May 2011Giuseppe Lipari
RuscelliAnna LinaQuality of Service support over heterogeneous networks.24 Januaury 2011Giuseppe LipariPDF
MignognaAlessandroModels and Techniques for Simulation of Real-Time Distributed Embedded Systems.19 Januaury 2011Giuseppe Lipari
FaggioliDarioSoft Real-Time Scheduling and Synchronization in General Purpose Operating Systems.19 Januaury 2011Giuseppe Lipari
EspositoFrancescoPower management of real-time systems under communication constraints.19 Januaury 2011Giorgio ButtazzoPDF
ChitnisMangeshA framework to support wireless multimedia sensor networks.12 Januaury 2011Giuseppe LipariPDF
SantinelliLucaAdaptive Resource Reservation.17 December 2010Giorgio ButtazzoPDF
YaoGangLimited Preemptive Scheduling with Non-Preemptive Regions.10 December 2010Giorgio ButtazzoPDF
WuYifanReal-time Control Design with Resource Constraints.22 Januruary 2010Giorgio ButtazzoPDF
SerreliNicolaComponent-based analysis and synchronization of distributed transactions scheduled by EDF.22 Januruary 2010Giuseppe LipariPDF
ChecconiFabioProportional Share Scheduling in General Purpose Operating Systems: Theory and Practice.22 Januruary 2010Giuseppe LipariPDF
MancinaAntonioOperating Systems and Resource Reservations.3 April 2009Giuseppe LipariPDF
BertognaMarkoReal-Time Scheduling Analysis for Multiprocessor Platforms.19 May 2008Giuseppe LipariPDF
BartoliniCesariMetodology and analysis throughout the platform-based design pattern.14 December 2007Giuseppe Lipari
ScordinoClaudioDynamic Voltage Scaling for Energy-Constrained Real-Time Systems.11 December 2007Giuseppe Lipari
CirineiMicheleExploiting the power of multiprocessor for real-time systems.2 July 2007Giuseppe LipariPDF
MarzarioLucaAn Architecture for Quality of Service Management and Control in Soft Real-Time Systems.13 Dicember 2006Giuseppe Lipari
CantiniDavideExploiting the power of multiprocessor for real-time systems.12 July 2006Giuseppe Lipari
PoliniAndreaTesting component-based software system.22 November 2004Giuseppe Lipari
GaiPaoloReal-Time Operating System design for Multiprocessor system-on-a-chip.1 October 2004Giorgio ButtazzoPDF
BiniEnricoThe Design Domain of Real-Time System.1 October 2004Giorgio Buttazzo
CucinottaTommasoIssues in authentication by means of smart card devices.21 July 2004Paolo AncilottiPDF
AbeniLucaSupporting Time Sensitive Activities in a Desktop Environment.19 December 2002Giorgio ButtazzoPDF
PalopoliLuigiDesign of embedded control systems under real-time scheduling constraints.16 July 2002Giorgio ButtazzoPDF
CaccamoMarcoHandling Overloads in Real-Time Systems.24 Januruary 2002Giorgio Buttazzo
CasileAntoninoEye movements and the refinement of cortical neural responses: a computational approach.11 October 2001Giorgio Buttazzo
LipariGiuseppeResource Reservation in Real-Time Systems.16 December 2000Giorgio Buttazzo
LamastraGerardoThe design of operating systems supporting temporal isolation.16 December 2000Giorgio Buttazzo
ConticelliFabioNon-linear control in camera object relative positioning.14 April 2000Giorgio Buttazzo
De SantiClaudioMultihoming con Ipv6.12 Januruary 2000Giorgio Buttazzo
Mule'CosimoStudio e progettazione di un sistema robotico mobile per l’assistenza ai disabili.16 March 1998Paolo Ancilotti
PrinaGianpaoloDescrizione e valutazione di una soluzione al problema della coerenza delle copie multiple in cache in sistemi multiprocessore.28 February 1996Paolo Ancilotti
GenoveseVincenzoIntegrazione e realizzazione di ausili tecnologici per pazienti disabili e/o anziani con handicap di tipo motorio.5 June 1995Angelo Maria Sabatini
DiniGianlucaMetodi e strumenti di supporto alla programmazione di architetture distribuite.5 June 1995Giorgio Buttazzo
SpuriMarcoEarliest Deadline Scheduling in Real-Time Systems.6 February 1995Giorgio Buttazzo
Di NataleMarcoStatic and Dynamic Scheduling in Real-Time Systems.6 February 1995Giorgio Buttazzo
RucciMicheleProcessi di apprendimento e di adattamento nello sviluppo di capacità percettive e motorie di sistemi robotici autonomi.16 Januruary 1995Giorgio Buttazzo
RizzoLuigiTecniche e strumenti di valutazione e sviluppo software su sistemi distribuiti.8 November 1993Paolo Ancilotti
De MichelisMattiaRealizzazione di un sistema di visione binoculare attivo con caratteristiche antropomorfe per robot.7 November 1993Giorgio Buttazzo
BosioLucaStudio e realizzazione di un dispositivo esoscheletrico per un braccio umano da usarsi in tele-operazione.6 November 1993Massimo Bergamasco
SabatiniAngeloMetodi e tecniche per la realizzazione di dispositivi estrocettivi.28 March 1992Paolo Dario
AllottaBenedettoControllo di robot basato su sensori esterocettivi.28 March 1992Paolo Dario
ButtazzoGiorgio CarloUn’'architettura distribuita per il controllo di un sistema robotico multisensoriale.18 December 1990Paolo Dario