I droni del RETIS su TV Prato

Il RETIS Lab (Laboratorio di Sistemi Real Time) dell’Istituto di Tecnologie della Comunicazione, dell’Informazione e della Percezione (TeCIP) della Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna è stato scelto per una puntata della trasmissione “Il futuro in campagna” realizzata da TV Prato in collaborazione con la Regione Toscana in occasione di EXPO 2015.

SCHED_DEADLINE in mainline

Most RTOSs provide Fixed Priority scheduling as the only available scheduling policy. This is because FP is effective, and easy to be implemented efficiently. Also, FP is in the POSIX standard, so all UNIX-based systems implement it. Different flavours of FP are also available in Windows and Mac OS. At the RETIS lab, we have based much of […]

The 2013 IEEE Outstanding Technical Contributions and Leadership Award assigned to Prof. Buttazzo

Prof. Giorgio Buttazzo (coordinator of the ReTiS lab of Scuola Sant’Anna) received the prestigious IEEE Technical Committee on Real-Time Systems award for excellence in results and leadership in research on real-time systems, assigned by the Technical Committee on Real-Time Systems. The Technical Committee on Real-Time Systems (TCRTS) is a technical committee of the IEEE Computer […]