OSPM Summit: The ReTiS Laboratory of the Sant’Anna School hosted the two days workshop about Scheduling and Power Management in the Linux kernel.

On April 3rd and 4th, the Real-Time Systems (ReTiS) laboratory of the Institute of Communication, Information and Perception Technologies (TeCIP) of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna hosted the first summit on scheduling and power management in the Linux kernel (OSPM).

The event has been the opportunity for kernel developers, industries, and academia to discuss the challenges and possible solutions to fruitfully exploit the capabilities of current and upcoming computing platforms. The attendance included guests from the major companies in the field, like ARM, Linaro, Intel, Google, and Red Hat.

It’s possible to view all talks on the ReTiS channel on Youtube.

SCHED_DEADLINE in mainline

Most RTOSs provide Fixed Priority scheduling as the only available scheduling policy. This is because FP is effective, and easy to be implemented efficiently. Also, FP is in the POSIX standard, so all UNIX-based systems implement it. Different flavours of FP are also available in Windows and Mac OS. At the RETIS lab, we have based much of […]