Daniel Casini, assistant professor at the Real-Time Systems Lab (RETIS) of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, delivered a keynote talk at the Summer School on Cybersecurity, Privacy, and Policy Interventions organized by the University of Western Macedonia in the context of the European Projects SPEAR, SDN-microSENSE, and EVIDENT.

The talk was titled “Microarchitectural DoS Attacks in COTS Multicore Platforms” and presented the challenges to the safety and security in modern commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) platforms and some solutions to prevent them realized in the context of the research activities of the RETIS lab.
The summer school took place from July 3rd to July 7th in Kozani, Greece, on the premises of the University of Western Macedonia, which is actively involved in many European projects in the context of secure and efficient IoT-Edge-Cloud distributed systems.
More details can be found on the summer school’s website.