Best Paper Award @ RAGE 2023

Award-Winning Research on Real-Time Packet-Based Intrusion Detection on Edge Devices We are excited to announce that the groundbreaking paper by Borgioli Niccolò, Linh Thi Xuan Phan, Federico Aromolo, Alessandro Biondi, and Giorgio Buttazzo, from the ReTiS laboratory of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, along with Linh Thi Xuan Phan from the University of Pennsylvania, has received the […]

RAGE 2023 @ CPS-IoT-Week

The Second Edition of the Real-Time and Intelligent Edge Computing workshop (RAGE 2023) took place in conjunction with the 2023 Cyber-Physical Systems and IoT Week (CPS-IoT-Week 2023), one of the top-notch events for cyber-physical systems and IoT, in San Antonio, Texas, USA, on May 9th, 2023, with 40+ registered attendees.  The group of organizers included […]

Workshop held in memory of Marco Di Natale

On January 30, 2023, a workshop was held in memory of Prof. Marco Di Natale, who recently passed away too soon at the age of 56. The workshop was held in the lecture hall (“Aula Magna”) of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, in Piazza dei Martiri della LibertĂ , Pisa, and covered the topics that have characterized […]

Workshop in memory of Marco Di Natale

On January 30th, 2023, the ReTiS laboratory of the TeCIP institute will organize a workshop in honor of Marco Di Natale to remember him and present some of your research work related to the topics that marked his career. The workshop will be hosted in the Aula Magna of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Piazza dei […]

OSPM Summit: The ReTiS Laboratory of the Sant’Anna School hosted the two days workshop about Scheduling and Power Management in the Linux kernel.

On April 3rd and 4th, the Real-Time Systems (ReTiS) laboratory of the Institute of Communication, Information and Perception Technologies (TeCIP) of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna hosted the first summit on scheduling and power management in the Linux kernel (OSPM).

The event has been the opportunity for kernel developers, industries, and academia to discuss the challenges and possible solutions to fruitfully exploit the capabilities of current and upcoming computing platforms. The attendance included guests from the major companies in the field, like ARM, Linaro, Intel, Google, and Red Hat.

It’s possible to view all talks on the ReTiS channel on Youtube.