The Institute of Communication, Information and Perception Technologies (TECIP) of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Pisa, Italy) is looking for candidates to fill a research position in the area of parallel computing on heterogeneous platforms for real-time applications. The positions are available in the context of the European Research Project AMPERE. The focus of the research is on the design and realization of operating system mechanisms, middleware and tools for supporting design, development and optimization of software programs with timing constraints for embedded heterogeneous platforms including acceleration via dynamically reconfigurable FPGA, GP-GPU and multi-core processors.
The ideal candidate needs to possess an MSc degree or Ph.D. in Computer Science, Computer or Electronic Engineering, Network or Telecommunication Engineering or similar. He or she needs to be capable of designing, implementing and evaluating innovative software solutions in the field. Good knowledge of computer architectures and operating systems, and high familiarity with Linux in particular, as well as a solid knowledge of software engineering and optimization techniques, are an essential pre-requisite. The ideal candidate should be fluent in programming with the C programming language, with experience in particular with such parallel programming abstractions as OpenMP, OpenCL, CUDA, or others. Also, some familiarity with FPGAs is highly desirable.
For more details and the formal application procedure, refer to the application page.