On December 9, at the 42nd IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), the world’s largest conference on real-time systems, the IEEE Technical Committee on Real-Time Systems (TCRTS) awarded four papers for their highly significant results in the field of real-time systems. The assigned awards recognize works within the research field of real-time systems that have left a sustained and significant lasting impact.

Two of the four awarded papers are from the RETIS Lab of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna.

The first recognition is the 2021 RTSS Influential Paper Award, awarded to Luca Abeni, now Associate Professor at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, and Giorgio Buttazzo, Full Professor at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna and Director of the Tecip Institute. The winning paper is:

Luca Abeni and Giorgio Buttazzo, "Integrating multimedia applications in hard real-time systems", Proceedings of the 19th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, Madrid, Spain, December 2-4, 1998.

The award was given in recognition of the pioneering role of the Constant Bandwidth Server, the innovative scheduling technology presented in that paper, which reached a very high relevance and diffusion and up to the inclusion in the mainline Linux kernel used in billions of devices around the globe.

The second award is the 2021 Test-of-Time Award, which has been assigned to the paper:

Enrico Bini and Giorgio Buttazzo, "Measuring the performance of schedulability tests", The Real-Time Systems Journal, Vol.30, pp:129-154, May 2005.

The paper was co-authored by Giorgio Buttazzo and Enrico Bini, currently Associate Professor at the University of Turin and formerly Assistant Professor, Post-Doc Researcher, Ph.D. Student, and “Allievo Ordinario” at the Scuola.

The award has been assigned for the U-Unifast workload generation algorithm, which helped establish a rigorous methodology for the experimental evaluation of scheduling and schedulability analysis algorithms.