A research opportunity is available at the TECIP Institute of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna on Real-time and Secure Orchestration of Software Components in Virtualized Systems, with an application deadline of July 14th, 2023.
The candidate will carry out research activities in the context of the project “An Artificial Intelligence Aided Unified Network for Secure Beyond 5G Long Term Evolution – NANCY“, a project funded by the European Union in the context of the HORIZON-JU-SNS-2022 program, which involves a consortium of 22 institutions and involves the participation of large leading big-tech companies in the sector, such as NEC and Ericsson, among others.
The research will focus on the orchestration of virtualized software (both through traditional virtual machines and containers) in order to ensure secure and reliable (mainly from a timing perspective) end-to-end connectivity between distributed software platforms in the IoT-to-Edge-to-Cloud continuum, also using mechanisms based on Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) for orchestration decisions.
Both candidates with and without a Ph.D. are allowed to apply. Refer to the application page for more details and the formal application procedure.