Success for the first Real-Time and Intelligent Edge computing workshop

The First Edition of the Real-Time and Intelligent Edge Computing workshop (RAGE 2022) took place in conjunction with the 59th Design Automation Conference (#DAC2022), one of the top-notch conferences in embedded systems, in San Francisco, California, USA, on July 10th, 2022, with 50+ registered attendees. The workshop was organized and chaired by Daniel Casini, Assistant […]


Il Real-Time Systems Laboratory (ReTiS Lab) della Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna ha organizzato nei giorno 6 e 10 giugno 2022 degli open day rivolti a studenti magistrali e triennali in cerca di opportunità di tesi o prospettive professionali future. Maggiori informazioni riguardo alle finalità dell’open day sono state pubblicate in un altro recente post, consultabile a questo […]


Il Real-Time Systems Laboratory (ReTiS Lab) della Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna  organizza un open day rivolto a studenti magistrali e triennali in cerca di opportunità di tesi o prospettive professionali future. Chi siamo? Il laboratorio ReTiS è uno dei gruppi di ricerca leader a livello mondiale per l’ambito dei sistemi embedded real-time, algoritmi di scheduling time-critical, […]

Success for the Course on Neural Networks and Deep Learning

“Neural Networks and Deep Learning” is the course held by Giorgio Buttazzo, professor of Computer Engineering and director of the TeCIP Institute of the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, offered to internal PhD students – but also open to PhD students from other universities – which is having great success. The present edition of the course is in fact registering […]

Seasonal School 2021 – Call for participation

Call for participation to the Seasonal School: “Next-generation Cyber-Physical Systems: Software Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, and Design Methodologies” September 13th -17th, 2021 – Pisa, Italy REGISTRATION AND FURTHER INFO: Coordinator: Alessandro Biondi, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy Deadline for Registration: August 22nd, 2021 Learning ObjectivesThe Seasonal School will provide participants with the competencies required to […]

CLOSER’21 Best Student Paper Award

Congratulations to Remo Andreoli for having received the Best Student Paper Award at the 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER) 2021 with a paper about RT-MongoDB: a NoSQL database with differentiated performance, essentially his thesis work for the MSc in Computer Science, co-supervised by Tommaso Cucinotta and Dino Pedreschi. An extraordinary […]

Ph.D. EDT: Call for admission

The Ph.D. Programme in Emerging Digital Technologies is a full-time, mandatory attendance three-year programme with an interdisciplinary approach, which provides an exhaustive training path with structured teaching and supervised research activities with a view to producing an original thesis to discuss in a public examination. In line with the standards of excellence pursued by the […]