People of the ReTiS Lab
Complete Articles
Cyber Security and Artificial Intelligence: successful student team of the Sant’Anna TeCIP Institute Retis Lab awarded second place in the “2020 Huawei Italy University Challenge“ Highly talented Sant’Anna School students of the Institute for Communication, Information and Perception Technologies (TeCIP) Retis Lab have achieved significant success in the international competition “2020 Huawei Italy University Challenge“. […]
A paper from the ReTiS Lab about “XPySom: High-Performance Self-Organizing Maps“, by Riccardo Mancini, Antonio Ritacco, Giacomo Lanciano and Tommaso Cucinotta, has been presented at the IEEE 32nd International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing, on September 8-11. With the two first coauthors still under-graduate students, the paper presents one of the fastest […]
The 2020 edition of the CLOSER conference assigned the Best Paper Award to the joint article of Gabriele Ara, Tommaso Cucinotta, and Luca Abeni from the ReTis Lab and Carlo Vitucci from Ericsson titled “Comparative Evaluation of Kernel Bypass Mechanisms for High-performance Inter-container Communications“. The paper presents a framework for evaluating the performance of various […]
The Institute of Communication, Information and Perception Technologies (TECIP) of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Pisa, Italy) is looking for candidates to fill a research position in the area of parallel computing on heterogeneous platforms for real-time applications. The positions are available in the context of the European Research Project AMPERE. The focus of the research is on the design and realization […]
A research opportunity is available at the TECIP Institute of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna on mechanisms to improve the trustworthiness of Artificial Intelligence in safety-critical systems, with an application deadline of March 18th, 2020. The research position is in the context of a large research project, and the focus of the contract is to study design […]
A research opportunity is available at the TECIP Institute of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna on mechanisms to improve the trustworthiness of Artificial Intelligence in safety-critical systems, with application deadline March 18th, 2020. The focus of the contract is the study and development of innovative techniques to improve the trustworthiness of artificial intelligence algorithms with the purpose […]
The ReTiS lab was at Embedded Systems Week 2019 (ESWeek2019), and researchers from the lab have delivered the following presentations. Conference: CASES, Session: Interconnect Design “Is Your Bus Arbiter Really Fair? Restoring Fairness in AXI Interconnect for FPGA SoCs” – Francesco Restuccia, Marco Pagani, Alessandro Biondi, Mauro Marinoni, and Giorgio Buttazzo Conference: CODES+ISSS, Session: Adaptive and Intermittent Embedded […]
To recognize the best paper published in the 2018 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics journal, the Editorial Board of the journal selected the article “Modeling and Analysis of Engine Control Tasks Under Dynamic Priority Scheduling” authored by Alessandro Biondi and Giorgio Buttazzo of Sant’Anna TeCIP Institute. Researchers Alessandro Biondi, and Giorgio Buttazzo, working at the TeCIP Institute Real-Time Systems Laboratory […]
Two research opportunities are available at the TECIP Institute of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna on Artificial Intelligence for supporting Data Center Operations in Cloud Computing and Network Function Virtualization, with application deadline extended to October 14th, 2019. The opportunities are framed in the context of the industrial research project “Artificial Intelligence for Network Function Virtualization” jointly […]