IEEE TCCPS Early-Career Award 2023

Prestigious international recognition for Alessandro Biondi, associate professor at the TeCIP Institute of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, who received the ‘IEEE TCCPS Early-Career Award 2023‘ from the IEEE Technical Committee on Cyber-Physical Systems.The award, one of the most important worldwide, is given to young researchers from academia or industry who have achieved outstanding results in the […]

Best Paper Award @ RAGE 2023

Award-Winning Research on Real-Time Packet-Based Intrusion Detection on Edge Devices We are excited to announce that the groundbreaking paper by Borgioli Niccolò, Linh Thi Xuan Phan, Federico Aromolo, Alessandro Biondi, and Giorgio Buttazzo, from the ReTiS laboratory of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, along with Linh Thi Xuan Phan from the University of Pennsylvania, has received the […]

Editor Choice Award

The article “A Linux-based support for developing real-time applications on heterogeneous platforms with dynamic FPGA reconfiguration,” authored by Marco Pagani, Alessandro Biondi, Mauro Marinoni, Lorenzo Molinari, Giuseppe Lipari, and Giorgio Buttazzo, that was published in April 2022 in the journal Future Generation Computer Systems, has been selected as an Editor’s Choice paper.This semi-annual recognition involves […]

CLOSER’21 Best Student Paper Award

Congratulations to Remo Andreoli for having received the Best Student Paper Award at the 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER) 2021 with a paper about RT-MongoDB: a NoSQL database with differentiated performance, essentially his thesis work for the MSc in Computer Science, co-supervised by Tommaso Cucinotta and Dino Pedreschi. An extraordinary […]

Second place in the “2020 Huawei Italy University Challenge”

Cyber Security and Artificial Intelligence: successful student team of the Sant’Anna TeCIP Institute Retis Lab awarded second place in the “2020 Huawei Italy University Challenge“ Highly talented Sant’Anna School students of the Institute for Communication, Information and Perception Technologies (TeCIP) Retis Lab have achieved significant success in the international competition “2020 Huawei Italy University Challenge“. […]

CLOSER 2020 Best Paper Award

The 2020 edition of the CLOSER conference assigned the Best Paper Award to the joint article of Gabriele Ara, Tommaso Cucinotta, and Luca Abeni from the ReTis Lab and Carlo Vitucci from Ericsson titled “Comparative Evaluation of Kernel Bypass Mechanisms for High-performance Inter-container Communications“. The paper presents a framework for evaluating the performance of various […]

“IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics” Best Paper in 2018

To recognize the best paper published in the 2018 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics journal, the Editorial Board of the journal selected the article “Modeling and Analysis of Engine Control Tasks Under Dynamic Priority Scheduling” authored by Alessandro Biondi and Giorgio Buttazzo of Sant’Anna TeCIP Institute. Researchers Alessandro Biondi, and Giorgio Buttazzo, working at the TeCIP Institute Real-Time Systems Laboratory […]

Alessandro Biondi Awarded the European Design and Automation Association “Outstanding Dissertation Award 2017”

Alessandro Biondi, a researcher in computer engineering at the TECIP Institute of Sant’Anna School, will receive the “EDAA Outstanding Dissertation Award 2017” by the “European Design and Automation Association (EDAA) in Dresden, Germany, on March 20, at the international conference DATE 2018. Biondi received the award for his doctoral study in Emerging Digital Technologies under the supervision […]

The 2013 IEEE Outstanding Technical Contributions and Leadership Award assigned to Prof. Buttazzo

Prof. Giorgio Buttazzo (coordinator of the ReTiS lab of Scuola Sant’Anna) received the prestigious IEEE Technical Committee on Real-Time Systems award for excellence in results and leadership in research on real-time systems, assigned by the Technical Committee on Real-Time Systems. The Technical Committee on Real-Time Systems (TCRTS) is a technical committee of the IEEE Computer […]